Hannah Bonner
Poetry Editor
Hannah's poetry has appeared in, or is forthcoming from, Asheville Poetry Review, Bear Review, Pigeon Pages, Schlag, So to Speak, The Carolina Quarterly, The Hopkins Review, The North Carolina Literary Review, The Pinch Journal, The Vassar Review, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, TriQuarterly, and Two Peach. Her essays have been published in Bright Wall/Dark Room, Bustle, Essay Daily, The Little Patuxent Review, The Rumpus, and VIDA: Women in the Literary Arts. She has an MA in Film Studies and is currently an MFA candidate in creative nonfiction at the University of Iowa. She is in the process of researching her thesis, a diaristic collection of fragments that explore depictions of light through experimental cinema, kinetic light sculptures, phenomenology, affect theory, and Henri Bergson's Matter and Memory. She is also working on a collection of poems about the precarity of ecology, intimacy, and visual media as a signifier of knowledge. She is always on the brink of wanting to do without language altogether and take a modern dance class.